LomasA British FamilyPredominent Worldwide Family MembersLloyd Verdun Lomas (1918 - 2011) founded the L.V. Lomas Ltd. corporation in 1960 in Canada. An ISO 9001:2008 company, L.V. Lomas is powered by the expertise of more than 200 qualified professionals in four locations across Canada and in the Pacific Northwest of the United States. A charter member of the Canadian Association of Chemical Distributors, L.V. Lomas is one of the largest chemical distributors in North America, and is the leading specialty chemical distributor in Canada. Since it's inception at Brampton, Ontario, L.V. Lomas Limited has remained a privately-held corporation. Lloyd was well-respected in the chemical industry; but he was also an extraordinary man in many ways. Entrepreneurial, hard-working, dedicated, humble, trusting, honest and honourable - Lloyd was a man of his word. A man blessed with a remarkable sense of humour and love of nature, Lloyd passed away at his cherished Muskoka Lakes property directly north of the City of Toronto, Ontario. A truly remarkable Canadian, Lloyd built a business and he always treated everyone with respect along the way, encouraging his fellow workers to succeed and have fun. Fred Lomas-started at the Dack's Shoe Factory, Toronto, in 1928. In 1964, he was appointed President and Managing Director. He continued to direct the company's operations until 1975 and remained on the board as Vice-Chairman until he retired in 1978 after 50 years of service. During his years of service, he maintained and furthered the high standards of quality fit and customer service the Dack family had made famous. Today, with the assistance of Fred Lomas, Dack's can proudly say, "Shoemakers to Canada's best dressed men since 1834". Jonathan Lomas- is the inaugural Chief Executive Officer of the Canadian Health Services Research Foundation, a nationally endowed organization founded in 1997 to improve the relevance and use of health services research in health system decision making. Professor David A. Lomas- is the Deputy Director of the Cambridge Institute for Medical Research, University of Cambridge, Cambridge, England. The Cambridge Institute for Medical Research (CIMR) is an institute that provides a unique interface between basic and clinical science and has as its major goal, the determination and understanding of the molecular mechanisms of disease. Dr. Robert Lomas- author and co-author of several books such as Freemasonry and the Birth of Modern Science, The Hiram Key, The Second Messiah, The Holy Grail and Uriel's Machine. These are books that are a "must read" for free thinkers. www.robertlomas.com - Robert Lomas- was born in 1872 at Bury, Lancs. He was Bob Pender of "THE PENDER TROUPE". Touring from 1911 to 1921, the Troupe was a group of performers who traveled extensively throughout the U.S. and the U.K. The most famous member of the group was Archibald Leach, later to become well known as the actor Cary Grant. Harold Mease Lomas- is a Chemist-turned-amateur photographer of great skill, with a particular interest in photographing hunting scenes. Around 1902 he first approached Charles Urban with the idea of making hunting films along similar lines to his photographic studies. Of these, the recently rediscovered Hunting the Red Deer with the Devon and Somerset Staghounds. Filmed by Lomas in 1904, it is a brilliantly photographed and edited work, if appalling in its detail. He filmed animal studies for Urban while managing the darkrooms of the Charles Urban Trading Company for a short while, and undertook three filming trips to British North Borneo in 1903, 1904 and 1908. He travelled widely as an independent filmmaker, made other 'sporting' films, and in 1914 wrote a technical guide to film studio work, Picture Play Photography. In 1920 he became cameraman for Adrian Brunel's Minerva Films, making comedy shorts that starred Leslie Howard, before joining British Instructional Films in 1921 and filming some of the famous Secrets of Nature series, alongside another former Urban cameraman, Percy Smith. Joe Lomas- is the Founder and CEO of Flashpoint Racing Joe Lomas- was a Member of John Philip Sousa's Band 1910-1911 David Lomas- Want to charter a helicopter or use the facilities of a heliport? Alan Lomax- and his father, pioneering folklorist John A. Lomax, first developed the Library of Congress' Archive of American Folksong as a major national resource in the early 1930s. Alan Lomax has been called "The Father of the American Folksong Revival," for his subsequent work as an ethnomusicologist, record producer and network radio host/writer. He first presented Woody Guthrie, Leadbelly, Burl Ives, and Pete Seeger to a national audience on his radio programs in the '30s and '40s. As a radio producer and field recordist at the BBC, he sparked a British folksong revival, which soon fueled the British pop-rock Invasion. He also assembled the first recorded overview of world folksong for Columbia Records. As an anthropologist of the performing arts (for Columbia University and Hunter College), Alan Lomax produced a multimedia interactive database entitled The Global Jukebox, which surveys the relationship between dance, song, and human history. The author/producer of many books, scientific articles, films, and record releases, Lomax has been a passionate advocate of "cultural equity", a principle which proposes to reverse the centralization of communication and give equal media time to the whole range of human cultures. After six decades of "folk song hunting" Alan retired in 1996. Allan Lomax passed away on July 19, 2002. Note: Along with Kenny Loggins, Roger Lomas and Alan Lomax are listed on the Encyclopedia of Recording Producers and Artists web site. Lomas produced "The Selecter" and Lomax produced "Muddy Waters". Jackie Lomax- was born 10th May 1944 in Cheshire, England. A guitarist and vocalist, he was a member of The Undertakers; The 'Takers, 1964; The Mersey Lads; The Lost Souls; The Lomax Alliance; Heavy Jelly, 1968. Session for Rod Stewart, 1980. Veteran of one of Merseybeats biggest combos (The Undertakers), Lomax had survived five residencies in Hamburg before trying to break into America with various bands. Managed by Brian Epstein until his death, Lomax was quickly taken under the corporate wing of The Beatles and was one of their first signings to Apple. No amount of money and influential friends could help make his career. Joseph Lomas and family- the tragic story of an entire family on board the troopship S.S. Nerissa, April 30th, 1941. - www.ssnerissa.com - Joseph, his wife Elizabeth, and their three children, Terence age 6, Joan age 4, and Margaret age 3 were the only family on the Nerissa. Sadly they all perished in the sinking. The S.S. Nerissa (the only troopship to lose Canadian troops en route to England) was torpedoed by a German U-boat. However, if only one torpedo was fired into the Nerissa the Lomas family would have been saved. The Navy's Ledsham was helping get No.2 boat launched and two officers were helping Joseph and Elizabeth Lomas get their three children into it. Having made it to their lifeboat station and boarded No.2 lifeboat they were so close to successfully evacuating the stricken ship. In seconds RSM Edwards saw all seven and the boat disappear in the second torpedo explosion. They were all thrown into the sea. We know from reports that Terence Lomas was helped onto a raft by Alfred Baldwin Raper but slipped off the raft during the night. Also, we know that the two stewardesses, Hilda Lynch and Florence Jones, gave their lifebelts to two of the Lomas children. Elizabeth was born in Scotland but moved to London with her family when she was about 18 years old. Here she met and married Joseph Lomas. They lived in Camberwell and this was where the three children were born. They later moved to Charlton and lived a few doors away from where Elizabeth's mother Ellen was living with her sister and the rest of the family. Joe was working at Woolwich Arsenal as a carpenter. After war broke out a chance arose for them to go to Canada and escape the heavy bombing of the London blitz. In 1940 the offer of employment was taken up and they made the long journey to live and work in Canada. Elizabeth never settled and was so homesick for her mother that she and Joe decided to return to England. They were told they could remain in Canada until the end of the war even though Joe's work contract had ended but they took the terrible risk of boarding an armed troopship with three small children and paid the ultimate price. Elizabeth wanted to surprise her mother by arriving unannounced so no prior notice was sent of her intention to return to England. They probably didn't realize that the ship they were boarding was to sail unescorted and that it was carrying shells and heavy motor trucks. Elizabeth's mother never got over the loss of her daughter, son-in-law, and three grandchildren. Lomas Family members featured on Wikipedia:
Anne Lomas- (1953- ), a New Zealand lawn bowls competitor Alfred Lomas- (1929- ), a British politician Bill Lomas- (1928-2007), a former British Grand Prix motorcycle racer Billy Lomas- (1885-1976), a British footballer Carmen Lomas Garza- (1948- ), a Mexican-American artist Claire Lomas- (1980- ), a British campaigner, fundraiser and former event rider Harry Lomas- (1903- ), a British amateur footballer Herbert Lomas- (1887-1931), a British actor Herbert Lomas- (1924-2011), a British poet and translator J. Keith Lomas- a British businessman Jamie Lomas- (1980- ), a British television actor John Lomas- (1848-1933), a New Zealand coal miner, trade unionist and public servant Jonathan Lomas- (b. 1968), a British professional golfer Kenneth Lomas- (1922-2000), a British Labor Party politician Kym Lomas- (1976- ), a British actress and former singer Lomas Brown Jr.- (1963- ), a former offensive tackle in the NFL Mark Arnold Lomas- (1948- ), a former American football defensive lineman Mark Christopher Lomas- (b. 1970), a British cricketer Roberto Lomas- a British writer and business studies academic Stanley A. Lomas- (1913-2003), a former American pioneer in television production Stephen Lomas- (1974- ), a football coach and former Northern Ireland football player Tony Lomas- (1945- ), a British former motorcycle speedway racer According to the Applegate Directory, the Top People in UK industry as at June 2003:
Lomas, Brendan: Manager- Consort Engineering (Aston-Under-Lyne) Ltd Lomas, Chris: Manager- Kenard Engineering Co Ltd Lomas, David: Manager- GW Lomas and Sons Lomas, Ian: Sales Director- Lomas Engineering Ltd Lomas, John: Sales and Marketing Director- E Collinson and Co Ltd Lomas, Pete: Director- Engineering: Norcott Technologies Lomas, Peter: Managing Director- Lomas Engineering Ltd Lomas, RT: Manager- PJ Douglas Engineering Ltd Lomax, K.: Managing Director- Nelsa Ltd Lomax, Keith: Sales Director- Forgemasters Steel and Engineering Ltd Lomax, Mike: Sales and Marketing Director- Bosch Rexroth Ltd Lomax, Stuart: Managing Director- AVG Instrumentation North West Ltd Lomax, Stuart: Managing Director- Alco Hi-Tek Ltd Lomax, Stuart A.: Managing Director- Alco Valves Ltd Lomax, Terry: Commercial Manager- The Rossendale Combining Co Ltd ![]() |